BLS Practice Test

BLS Practice Test

BLS Practice Tests

Our free CPR practice test offers essential preparation for mastering life-saving techniques. With realistic scenarios and detailed explanations, it's perfect for healthcare professionals and enthusiasts alike aiming to sharpen their skills. Get ready to confidently respond to emergencies and make a difference in critical situations.

1 / 6

1. When using an AED, what is the recommended action before delivering a shock?

2 / 6

2. What is the correct compression-to-ventilation ratio for CPR on an adult victim?

3 / 6

3. What is the first step you should take if you find an unresponsive infant?

4 / 6

4. What is the recommended compression-to-ventilation ratio when performing CPR on an infant with 2 rescuer?

5 / 6

5. Which action is recommended if an infant is choking and unable to cry, cough, or breathe?

6 / 6

6. What is the recommended depth of chest compressions for adult CPR?

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